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Bike Walk Life Archive

Midsummer blog catch-up

It's been a couple of months since I blogged here. Being busy making bicycle events happen left me with hardly any time to write about other bike news. Here's a quick update with the stuff I've done since my last post. keep reading →

Your town used to be walkable

It probably seems that your city must have always been built around interstates and parking lots. You may even have difficulty imagining that your city could ever function without cars. But that's a modern myth. The truth is that your town used to be walkable, and it could be walkable once again. keep reading →

I'm back

I took a hiatus following my car crash, but now I'm biking and blogging once again. With the chaos that occupied the last few months of my life finally subsiding, I can hopefully return to my previous rhythm. keep reading →

I was hit by a car while bicycling

Last week, a car crashed into me during my bike commute. This is a terrible situation, but I'm recovering and it could have been far worse. I often write about how our transportation system is dangerous by design, but it's scary to personally become one of its victims. keep reading →

What is human scale?

I often use the term "human scale" and assume that its meaning is obvious to everyone. Here is a quick explanation of it, specifically for how it relates to biking and walking. keep reading →