Just-for-fun challenge: Three Speed April 2021
Another just-for-fun bicycle challenge is coming up: Three Speed April, hosted by Society of Three Speeds.
The overall challenge consists of five different sub-challenges:
- Ride your three speed at least fifteen miles (25 km) in one ride.
- A climb of 5% or more grade, with a cumulative elevation gain of at least 100 feet (30 m).
- A bit of unpaved/dirt action, of at least a cumulative one half mile (1 km).
- Coffee outside via three speed.
- A bike overnight or bike camping trip by three speed.
And here’s what you get if you do the Three Speed April 2021 Challenge:
- Do at least one challenge, get two stickers.
- Do three of the challenges, get the two stickers and a patch!
- Do the Overnight as a camping adventure, you’ll get the “Three Speed Camping” sticker in addition to other prizes!
- Do all five of the challenges, get an extra sticker!
I’m a big fan of these kinds of challenges. They mix athleticism, adventure, creativity, and just having fun on a bicycle. The world could use more events like this. And although these aren’t new, they’re a great fit for our socially-distant era.
Alas, I ride with a derailleurs, so I won’t qualify for this year. Perhaps I’ll go to the dark side by 2022.